Wednesday, November 11, 2009

BP13_2009113_Peer Response to Joanne Yates

Joanne said: Create a Graph

For the past three years my school has been in the process of learning to implement Response to Intervention (RtI), a systematic approach of matching classroom instruction with the instructional needs of the child. The goal is to meet the instructional needs of most children in the general education classroom. Teachers match a student’s instructional needs to a research intervention based program and collect weekly progress monitoring data. While the teachers, for the most part, have been great providing the interventions and collecting the data, they are terrible at transferring the data collected into the required graph format. This year bound and determine to not sit at my desk for hours on end transferring their data for them I set out in search of a great Web 2.0 that would be easy enough to use and satisfy even the most rigid of school psychologist. My discovery Create a Graph, The website is actually intended to teach students about graphing, but it works well for adults lacking in the skill as well. Users simply go in and follow the tabs presented to set up a their criteria, once they have set up the basic information and saved it all they have to do is enter the date they progress monitored and the score a student earns each week. Another click of the mouse onto the preview tab and like magic there is their graph. Last they simply press the save and print tab and their job is done. For those more challenged, there is even a tutorial that walks them through step by step how to set up and enter their data. My teachers will be using the Create a Graph tool to create a line graph, but the tool is even more powerful than that because it offers the user the opportunity to create line, bar, pie, XY, and area graphs.

Carrie Kleber said...

My school is also in the process of implementing RTI, and graphs often prove to be a sticky point for teachers to complete. I think this site will be a good place to get our teachers started on graphs. I also think this will be a great site to share with my math department.

Thanks for sharing.

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