Sunday, November 1, 2009

BP3_2009111_RSS Feeds for Educational Purposes

RSS Feeds for Educational Purposes

There are so many great article and blogs on the Internet that are perfect for educational purposes. It is helpful to find sites that provide beneficial information for you as an educator, and then subscribe to those sites so you can stay up to date with the information those sites are providing.

I am a 7th Grade Language Arts teacher, and I have discovered several sites that I feel are beneficial for my subject area and grade level.

Educational Technology
As a teacher in the 21st century, I believe it is important for me to stay up to date with the current trends in technology. However, because I am busy, I felt it would be best to subscribe to a technology site that focuses on education. The Educational Technology site provides me with up to date articles about new advances in technology that are pertinent to education. Fiction Writing
Part of the Language Arts curriculum is writing fictional stories. I have found students love the chance to have their work entered into a writing contest. Fiction Writing supplies information about monthly competitions focusing on fiction writing.

Poetry Daily
One of the large units the 7th grade focuses on is poetry. Poetry is also an area my students tend to score low on during the state testing. My Language Arts team decided to read and discuss poems all year long. This site provides a poem a day, which is a perfect resource for me to use for our poem discussions.

Greek Mythology Blog
Another large unit I teach is Greek Mythology. I am always on the lookout for resources about this topic. This site has links to numerous quizzes about Greek Mythology, as well as great books and movies created about Greek Mythology.

Suite101: Teen Historical Fiction
Historical Fiction is the final unit I teach during the 7th grade year. The unit begins with students reading Historical Fiction novels. However, it is always a challenge finding enough novels for the students to read. This site offers the titles of numerous Historical Fiction Novels. I can begin collecting them now, so by the time this unit arrives, I will be ready to go.

1 comment:

  1. For the historical fiction novels...check out "In my Father's House" by Ann Rinaldi and "Glory Field" by Walter Dean Myers. Perhaps our students could use a Web 2.0 tool to have literature circles together if we plan to distribute the novels at the same time.

    ...Just a thought
